1. Discover the Pulse

Music Is Alive!

We will begin sight singing by learning how to read rhythm. In this lesson we introduce the concept of the pulse, learning to subdivide the pulse, and learning note names.

Print Outline: Download PDF

Audio File: Download MP3

Suggested Homework:

1. Practice the Pulse
1. Clap or tap an even, steady pulse until you can do it well and confidently.

2. Now practice clapping or tapping a steady pulse when listening to a piece of music.

This assignment is complete when you are confident that you can produce a steady pulse.

2. Subdivide the Pulse
Clap or tap 4 beats of a steady pulse, then 4 sets of subdivided beats, etc. Practice until you are confident you can subdivide a pulse into two even parts.
3. Elongate the Pulse
Clap or tap 4 beats of a steady pulse, then 2 sets of combined beats, etc. Practice until you are confident you can elongate a pulse, combining two pulses into one piece.
4. Learn the Note Names
Memorize the types of notes as shown in the lesson outline. You should be able to immediately identify the whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note and sixteenth note.
5. Lesson 1, Exercises #1
Download and print out the exercise sheet. Practice each exercise slowly until you can perform it consistently and accurately. Check yourself against the audio MP3 file to be sure you’re getting them all right.
Practice Exercises #1: 4-1-1 Practice Exercises.pdf

Review Questions:

1. Identify the following note.

    a. Quarter note     d. Whole note
    b. Half note     e. Eighth note
    c. Sixteenth note

2. The type of note used (whole note, quarter note, etc.) indicates it’s _____.

    a. Absolute time value     d. Absolute pitch value
    b. Relative pitch value     e. Relative volume level
    c. Absolute volume level     f. Relative time value

3. Identify the following note.

    a. Quarter note     d. Half note
    b. Whole note     e. Eighth note
    c. Sixteenth note

4. How many quarter notes fit in the same time as a whole note?

    a. 2     d. 3
    b. 5     e. 4
    c. 1     f. 6

5. How many half notes fit in the same time as a whole note?

    a. 3     d. 2
    b. 5     e. 6
    c. 1     f. 4

6. Identify the following note.

    a. Eighth note     d. Whole note
    b. Half note     e. Sixteenth note
    c. Eighth note

7. Each beat in a song can be _____.

    a. Subdivided or elongated     d. Elongated only
    b. Subdivided only

8. How many eighth notes fit in the same time as a whole note?

    a. 10     d. 2
    b. 12     e. 8
    c. 6     f. 4

9. The regular, repeating series of beats in a song is called a _____.

    a. Purse     d. Key signature
    b. Pulse     e. Time signature
    c. Pattern     f. Notation

10. Identify the following note.

    a. Whole note     d. Eighth note
    b. Sixteenth note     e. Quarter note
    c. Half note
Answers: (1) b. Half note (2) f. Relative time value (3) a. Quarter note (4) e. 4 (5) d. 2 (6) c. Eighth note (7) a. Subdivided or elongated (8) e. 8 (9) b. Pulse (10) a. Whole note
Lesson 3. Breathe from the Diaphragm

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